The War
Horse Memorial
WW1 Horse Study Drawings War Horse Memorial News Articles
Making of Maquette The Purple Poppy Memorial
WW1 Old Photos and my Notes The War Horse Memorial Poem





memorial is to commemorate the thousands of horses mules and donkey
which took part helping man in the terrible conditions of the 1914-1918
War. The mare stands motionless, her head hung in poignant
remembrance. The silhouette, shape and body language, reflecting the
exhaustion and tragedy. The only movement is in the tail, caught in a
slight gust of wind, giving a sign of life and hope for the future,
that their sacrifice was not in vain. The statue will stand on the
roundabout near Ascot Racecourse in Berkshire. A larger than life
bronze horse standing on an inscribed Portland Stone plinth. But in
essence it will be much more than that, and will afford the opportunity
to create and expand on-going fundraising activities based around the
Memorial and its lasting legacy for the nation.
©Susan Leyland. All rights